AI-900T00 : Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals

MS-700T00 : Managing Microsoft Teams
Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions (CCNA)

AI-900T00 : Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals

This course introduces fundamentals concepts related to artificial intelligence (AI), and the services in Microsoft Azure that can be used to create AI solutions. The course is not designed to teach students to become professional data scientists or software developers, but rather to build awareness of common AI workloads and the ability to identify Azure services to support them.


Duration :

Instructor Led : 8 h

Live Online
Instructor Led  : 8 h




The Azure AI Fundamentals course is designed for anyone interested in learning about the types of solution artificial intelligence (AI) makes possible, and the services on Microsoft Azure that you can use to create them. You don’t need to have any experience of using Microsoft Azure before taking this course, but a basic level of familiarity with computer technology and the Internet is assumed. Some of the concepts covered in the course require a basic understanding of mathematics, such as the ability to interpret charts. The course includes hands-on activities that involve working with data and running code, so a knowledge of fundamental programming principles will be helpful.

AI Overview

·       Fundamental AI Concepts

·       Fundamentals of machine learning

·       Fundamentals of Azure AI services

Computer Vision

·       Fundamentals of Computer Vision

·       Fundamentals of Facial Recognition

·       Fundamentals of optical character recognition

Natural Language Processing

·       Fundamentals of Text Analysis with the Language Service

·       Fundamentals of question answering with the Language Service

·       Fundamentals of conversational language understanding

·       Fundamentals of Azure AI Speech

·       Fundamentals of language translation

Document Intelligence and Knowledge Mining

·       Fundamentals of Azure AI Document Intelligence

·       Fundamentals of Knowledge Mining and Azure AI Search

Generative AI

·       Fundamentals of Generative AI

·       Introduction to Azure AI Foundry

·       Responsible generative AI

Microsoft Certified: Azure AI Fundamentals

This certification is an opportunity to demonstrate knowledge of common ML and AI workloads and how to implement them on Azure.

This certification is intended for candidates with both technical and non-technical backgrounds. Data science and software engineering experience are not required; however, some general programming knowledge or experience would be beneficial.

Azure AI Fundamentals can be used to prepare for other Azure role-based certifications like Azure Data Scientist Associate or Azure AI Engineer Associate, but it’s not a prerequisite for any of them.

Required Exam : AI-900

Prerequisite certification is not required before taking this course. Successful Azure AI Fundamental students start with some basic awareness of computing and internet concepts, and an interest in using Azure AI services.


·         Experience using computers and the internet.

·         Interest in use cases for AI applications and machine learning models.

·         A willingness to learn through hands-on exploration.

Location Date Time (UTC+2 ) Delivery Format Language
Live Online* 26 & 28-Mar 17:30-20:45 Instructor Led Greek

* Σύγχρονη εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευση με εισηγητή – Virtual Class

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    Last Updated : 15/01/2025 (AI-900T00)